Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Jazz should consider trading Kirilenko

Now that they've finished their best postseason since Michael Jordan slammed the door on them in 1998, what do the Jazz do next?
Trade their highest-paid player, naturally.
Nothing like a little offseason drama to keep them in the news.
OK, maybe trading Andrei Kirilenko would be more than a little drama. But it could be just the thing that gets them a championship.
The end of the Jazz's season Wednesday night was embarrassing. Maybe not as embarrassing as that fall Miss USA took, but close. The Jazz ended up on their backsides, too. Going for its fourth title in nine years, San Antonio had barely finished its 25-point win when Jazz guard Deron Williams started calling people out. He claimed several teammates had mentally checked out weeks ago. Among the suspected offenders was Kirilenko.
Was it simply the frustration talking, or did Williams mean it?

Complete article

This article has taken me surprise. I thought the Jazz did very well this year! They were healthy, and the players developed into a team of contenders. That being said, the writer wants to trade Kirilenko! Shocking.

I love the way he plays. He plays both ends of the court. A shot blocker that jumps for loose balls and makes spectacular plays. He has been their star during their transition stage. But, now that Boozer, Okur, and Williams are making moves to claim the Jazz as their team, Kirilenko seems to be lost.

I would love to have him play for the Bulls. But he is not the low post player we need, he would; however, fit in with the defensive and offensive execution that Skiles has his team run.

Zach Randolph would be a better fit. A true low post player.

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